If you are interested in receiving insightful information for women, please sign up for my newsletter below. I try to include stuff that I hope is of interest to you, such as pertinent articles, books, workshops or other events, courses, links to various other resources and the like. And of course, there are always stories to share! I even do an Oracle/Tarot card reading at the end of each newsletter to prepare you for the week. Won’t you join my women’s community, where we seek our truth as women? After the work, it’s time to play. Won’t you come out and play with me?

BTW, you will receive a surprise treat when you sign up! Look for it in your welcome email.

Note: I ask for your birthday and postal address; they are optional so if you don’t wish to include them, that’s okay. I just feel that the digital age has removed the “personal” touch from communication, and I find handwritten cards and letters for special occasions to be so much more personal than digitally-generated ones. 

“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.”
Ruth Reichl